Our Vision

We exist to transform young people’s lives through holistic education. Through our Christian ethos we are committed to working with schools from the inside out to support the aspirational, relational, and spiritual needs of students and their families. Our approach to education focusses on developing the whole person, enhancing student wellbeing, and improving OFSTED outcomes to help transform school communities.

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Work With Us

Our current partner schools are part of Invictus Education Trust, Tove Learning Trust and Mercian Trust.

What People Say About Us

“As an 18 year old I was shocked at my lack of knowledge and I believe that if I had known what I know now regarding consent or healthy & unhealthy relationships, I could have personally avoided many situations in my life….I want my little sister to be taught what I have had the privilege to learn.”

Year 12 Student, Building Healthy Relationships Programme

“The school’s work to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding is strong. Pupils benefit from a range of activities both inside and outside of the classroom, which they value…”

Partner School, OFSTED Report

“I am very grateful for all the support I have received. It has helped me and my family greatly in so many different ways, from foodbank to emotional support, trips out, and someone there to just listen. I couldn’t have managed without it.”

Parent, Working with Family Support Worker

They (pupils) enjoy the meaningful opportunities related to character education and recognise how these help to develop them as rounded individuals.

Partner School, Ofsted Report, April 2022

We have seen the tremendous benefit to our pupils and their families through the high-quality work of the Ethos Team provided by Grace Foundation. In particular, when this is embedded in the culture and practice of the school, we see an improvement in the academic achievement of our pupils.

Dr Jamie Clarke, CEO of Tove Learning Trust

The integrated approach we have taken ensures that the team works seamlessly with the wider school, and within school priorities to inform and shape the Grace Foundation offer delivered. This allows it to be bespoke to the current student need. Without this team our students would be less likely to be seeing the improved outcomes that they do today.

Darren Gelder, Principal

Charity Number: 1103021